Tharpo Hypnosis

Tharpo The Happy Hypnotist - Life Coach and Much More

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Frequently asked questions

Most frequent questions and answers

What is Hypnosis?

Hypnosis is a natural state of mind that heightens awareness and makes you more receptive to suggestions, thoughts, and feelings that arise from your imagination, body, and all your senses. You experience this state of mind frequently throughout the day, especially when you’re focused on a task, and everything else seems to fade away.

As a skilled hypnotist, I have mastered the art of relaxing the critical barrier in the mind that acts as a guard between the Conscious and Unconscious Mind. This relaxation is a collaborative effort between us, and it opens the gateway to effective change techniques, direct communication of suggestions, and behavioral rehearsal, all of which harness the language of the unconscious mind. This process can result in rapid change and healing, allowing you to overcome obstacles and achieve your goals.



What if I Can't Be Hypnotized

Hypnosis is accessible to anyone who desires it. If you’re not interested in being hypnotized, then it’s impossible for me to make you go into hypnosis. However, if you’re open to participating and following my instructions, you can and will enter a state of hypnosis.

You never lose control of yourself during hypnosis, and the potential benefits of the experience make it nonsensical to resist the process. My responsibility is to discover the method that works best for you, and I won’t stop until I find one that resonates with you. However, your willingness to participate is crucial.

If you’re concerned about being difficult to hypnotize, let’s activate your unconscious mind by repeatedly asking yourself this question: “As I effortlessly enter a hypnotic state, how will I make the necessary changes while enjoying every moment of the process?” Write down any answers you get and share them with me.

Different people experience different depths and response levels of hypnosis. However, evidence indicates that repeated conditioning can enhance your hypnotic responsiveness. We will work together to achieve this, and it’s worth noting that change can occur in both light and deep hypnotic states.

Is Hypnosis Safe?

Yes, hypnosis is entirely safe, and you cannot get trapped in it. It’s a natural state of mind that you move in and out of frequently during your day, particularly during the moments just before you fall asleep and immediately after waking up. Just as you cannot get stuck in sleep, you cannot get stuck in hypnosis.

In 1958, the American Medical Association and the American Psychiatric Association acknowledged hypnosis as a valuable technique, and there have been no reports of harm resulting from hypnosis. The only time hypnosis can be hazardous is if you listen to a hypnotic recording while operating machinery or driving. Therefore, please avoid doing so!

How Effective is Online Video Conferencing Hypnosis?

It turns out that online hypnosis sessions are equally as effective as in-person ones, if not more so, for three simple reasons.

Firstly, during the hypnotic process, you eventually close your eyes and listen to me. Once your eyes are closed and you’re listening to me, it doesn’t matter if you’re in the same physical room or comfortably listening at home.

Secondly, the change doesn’t occur in the room itself. Rather, it happens inside your head. So, wherever your head is, we can do the work.

Thirdly, your problem likely isn’t limited to a situation inside a hypnotist’s office. The issue you want to resolve, the problem you want to eliminate, is something that you encounter every day in your life. Therefore, it’s exciting that we can often perform the hypnosis work in the environment where you want to see that change.

Will I Be Made to Do Things I Don’t Want to Do? Will I Lose Control?

Both questions receive an emphatic NO. Not only would I never want to make you do something against your will, but it is also impossible for me to do so. The decision to participate in hypnosis and the choices you make during the session are entirely up to you.

It is crucial to understand that hypnosis is not a form of mind control, as some Hollywood movies and stage shows might suggest. The individuals who participate in these shows do so voluntarily and are willing to do the silly things the hypnotist asks of them.

As a therapeutic hypnotist, my goal is to help you take control of your own mind and achieve the changes you desire. Our partnership involves mutually agreed-upon suggestions to help you overcome unhelpful patterns of behavior and develop new, more supportive ones that align with your goals.

However, for hypnosis to be effective, it requires your willingness to follow my instructions. It’s crucial to want to make the changes we are working on, as I cannot make changes for you, nor can I force you to make changes against your will.

What if I’m just Curious… but Not Quite Ready to Make any Big Changes?

The timing of your decision to seek change is crucial, as it requires a genuine desire to transform and a willingness to commit to both yourself and the process. I understand that this is not an easy task.

To help you become more comfortable with the idea of using hypnosis to make changes, I recommend exploring our Mind, Body & Spirit Hypnotic Spa Offerings. These one or two themed sessions provide opportunities to experience hypnosis in a comfortable and supportive environment.

Does Insurance Cover Hypnosis?

Regrettably, currently, hypnosis is not covered by most insurance plans. As a result, I do not submit insurance claims. If your insurance policy does include hypnosis coverage, I can provide you with a service statement to support your reimbursement claim.

If you have a Flexible Spending Account (FSA) or Health Savings Account (HSA), it may assist in paying for your hypnosis sessions. However, you will need to confirm this with your FSA or HSA plan coordinator.

What am I to Expect? What does Hypnosis Feel Like?

During the entire session, you will remain active and alert. You will be able to hear and remember everything I say, just as you would in a normal conversation. You are free to move, cough, or scratch as needed, and you can even speak to me while under hypnosis.

Everyone’s experience with hypnosis is unique. Some people may feel a sense of heaviness, while others feel lightness, and some might even feel both or simply feel relaxed as if they were lying in bed or resting in a chair. Other sensations you may or may not notice include changes in breathing, body perception, heightened sounds around you, stillness, or changes in pulse.

As part of the hypnosis process, I will suggest deep relaxation, and we will use your imagination. It’s important to note that hypnosis is a pleasurable experience, and I have yet to meet someone who hasn’t fully enjoyed it.

Are Results Guaranteed?

Hypnosis is a powerful process that has assisted millions of individuals in making desired changes in their lives. Nonetheless, it’s important to note that hypnosis is not a form of “mind control.” Even the most skilled hypnotist cannot force you to change your habits or behaviors.

Ultimately, the responsibility for change is a shared agreement, and there is always a human factor involved. Just as doctors cannot guarantee that you will recover fully, teachers cannot ensure that you will learn everything, and lawyers cannot guarantee that you will win your case, hypnotherapists cannot guarantee a particular outcome.

Similar to other healing arts, hypnosis and hypnotherapy are not exact sciences, and results cannot be guaranteed. However, what can be assured is the provision of the best possible service using current information and appropriate hypnotic, coaching, and change techniques for your specific circumstances.